Sometimes you might find difficult to understand some vocabulary regarding the purchase of your new Property, we have prepared a Spanish-English Real Estate glossary for you:
- Abogado: Lawyer, solicitor, attorney
- Acta de notoriedad: Legal Act or document
- Actos jurídicos documentados: Title Registry
- Administrador de fincas: property administrator
- Agente de la propiedad: Property Agent
- Agrupaciones de fincas: Group of country properties / consolidation of plots
- Alta catastral: Land register inscription
- Amortización: Repayment of mortgage
- API (agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria): Official Estates Agent
- Arrendamiento de obra: Building contract
- Arrendador: Landlord
- Arrendatario: Tenant
- Asiento de presentación: Provisional Property inscription at the land registry
- Aval: Loan guarantee
- Avalista: Guarantor
- Boletín de enganche: Electrical connection or water supply connection report. It contains information on how much power and water a property is permitted.
- Cancelación: Cancellation
- Catastro: Land Register, Cadastre
- Cláusula: Conditions in a contract
- Cédula de habitabilidad: Habitation certificate or Certificate of Occupancy which is a certification required by Spanish law with the aim of regulating health and safety conditions for any building that will be used as housing. It is a requirement in order to contract water, power or gas for a residential property.
- Certificación: Certification
- Certificado bancario de divisas: Foreign currency bank certificate
- Certificado final de obra: Building completion certificate
- Código civil: Civil code
- Comisión de urbanismo: Building commission
- Comunidad de propietarios: Homeowners’ Association or community of owners
- Condición resolutoria: Condition to cancel a contract
- Condición suspensiva: Condition to postpone a contract
- Contrato de arrendamiento: Rental contract
- Contrato de obra: Building contract
- Contrato de opción: Optional contract, with the right to buy a property, generally by paying an initial 10% deposit
- Contrato privado de compraventa: Private purchase contract
- Copropietarios: Co-owners; when several persons own a property together
- Cuerpo cierto: Non-variable condition. A condition that can not be changed or modified
- Cuota: Quote
- Declaración de obra nueva: New build certificate
- Demarcación de costas: Coastal demarcation
- Derecho de retención: Deposit that the homeowner pay to the Internal Revenue Tax Authority office if the homeowner is a non-resident in Spain
- Derecho de superficie: Land management rights
- Derecho de tanteo/retracto: Purchasing rights that enable one to reserve an object with the option to then later purchase it or not
- Edificabilidad Máxima: Construction limits defining the nature and extent of buildable area permitted on a given piece of land and the scope of planning permissions
- Embargo: Repossession
- Escritura: Title deeds
- Escritura pública de compraventa: Public sales deeds
- Fianza: Deposit
- Finca: Country Property
- Finca registrada: Registered country property
- Hacienda pública: Internal Revenue or Spanish Tax Authority
- Hipoteca: Mortgage
- IBI (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles): Annual municipal Tax
- Impuesto de actos jurídicos documentados: Stamp Duty: Documented legal acts tax that is to be paid to lawyers
- Impuesto de transmisiones patrimoniales: Property transfer tax, x% of the indicated sum at the escritura
- Impuesto sobre construcciones, instalaciones y obras: Construction and installation tax.
- Impuesto sobre el patrimonio: Wealth tax
- Impuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones: Succession and gift tax
- Impuestos municipales: Local taxes
- Información urbanística cédula: Urban planning department
- Institución de heredero: Appointment of heirs
- IRPF: Income tax
- IVA (impuesto sobre el valor añadido): VAT or Value Added Tax, a sales tax
- Ley de arrendamientos urbanos: Local rental laws
- Ley de la propiedad horizontal: Horizontal Property tax or Commonhold tax
- Ley del suelo: Land use regulations law. In Spain, this is a law that regulates the rights and obligations of landowners.
- Libre de cargas: Free of debts
- Licencia de obras: Building or construction permit
- NIE (número de identificación de extranjeros): Personal identification number issued by the Spanish government to foreign nationals
- NIF (número de identificación fiscal): Fiscal identity number
- Nota simple informativa: Land register certificate – Local search
- Notary: official authorised to certify contracts
- Obligación personal: Obligation to pay tax as a resident
- Ocupación máxima: Maximum occupancy
- Pago en efectivo: Cash payment
- Parcela: Plot
- Perito: Expert
- Permiso de obra menor: Minor building permission
- Plan Parcial: Urbanisation plan
- Planta: Floor or level
- Plusvalía: Capital gains or surplus value
- Poder: Authorisation
- Posesión: Possession
- Precio de venta: Sales price
- Préstamo hipotecario: Mortgage loan
- Procurador: Attorney at law
- Promotor: Promoter
- Propiedad: Property
- Propietario: Owner
- Protocolización: Formal regististration of a document, often in context of the notary
- Proyecto de ejecución de obras: Building execution
- Recepción definitiva: Construction completion
- Referencia catastral: Cadastral reference
- Registro de la propiedad: Property registry
- Representante fiscal: Fiscal representative
- S.A. (sociedad anónima): Public limited company
- S.L. (sociedad limitada): Limited liability company
- Saneamiento: Reconstruction
- Se alquila: For rent
- Se vende: For sale
- Segregación de fincas: Country property positioning
- Segunda vivienda: Second home
- Separación a linderos: Distance between plots
- Servidumbre de tránsito: Right-of-way, access of easement
- Solar: Building plot
- Suelo no urbanizable: Plot or land not eligible for building
- Suelo rústico: rural plot or land
- Suelo urbanizable: Building land or plot
- Suelo urbano: plot or land classified as urban
- Superficie útil: Usable area
- Tarjeta de residencia: Residence card
- Tasa: Fee
- Tasación: Valuation of property
- Tipo de interés: Interest rate
- Toma de posesión: Taking possession
- Traspaso: Transfer
- Urbanización privada: Private urbanisation or residential community
- Uso de oficinas: Office use
- Usucapión: Usucaption or acquisitive prescription: gaining the right to land over the passage of time
- Usufructo: Right of use, usufruct
- UTM: Plot number at the land register
- Valor Catastral: Land register value
- Valor comprobado por la administración: Value confirmed by the Internal Revenue Tax Authority
- Valor real: real or market value
- Zona de servidumbre de protección: Accessibility protected area.