If you are a foreigner and want to buy or sell a property in Spain, one of the necessary documents is the NIE. In this article you will find everything you need to know about this document.
What is the NIE?
NIE means “Foreigner Identification Number”. It is a personal, unique and exclusive number, is sequential in nature and serves as a Tax Identification Number (NIF). It consists of 9 digits, two of which are letters (one at the beginning and one at the end), the rest are numbers. For example, an NIE would appear as “X1234567X”.
What is the NIE for?
It is a very important document for foreign residents and owners of a property in Spain – This document is necessary for foreigners, including EU citizens, who intend to live or own property in Spain, buying or selling properties, registering with the tax office and paying taxes in general, buying or selling a vehicle, obtaining a driver’s license, owning a company, working, accessing social security and health services, public services (for example, contracting water and electricity), opening a local bank account (although it is not necessary for a “non-resident” bank account), accepting an inheritance, etc.

How can the NIE be obtained?
- The fastest and most practical way to secure it, is by granting a proxy to a Legal representative that authorizes to request the NIE on our behalf (which can be granted in Spain or abroad)
- In Spain – Applicants can go to the corresponding office for foreigners at the local police station. Applicants must provide all the relevant documentation and demonstrate not being in an irregular situation in Spain. Contact the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores to request all necessary documents.
- Abroad – Applicants can go to their nearest Spanish consulate to request a Foreigner Identification Number.
How long is needed for the NIE to be issued?
It takes approximately 1-4 weeks, depending on the administrative work. The card must be collected by the applicant.
What happens if I live or have a property in Spain without the NIE?
Many foreigners have acquired a property for years and have no Identification number, because before 2005 the Spanish authorities did not carry out a strict application of the regulations. Now Spanish authorities do.
These people are recommended to regularize this situation and obtain an NIE, especially if they want to sell their properties and pay the corresponding taxes. They can not do it without having it.
For any additional questions or if you need the EX-15 form to request the NIE, enter the Asuntos Exteriores website of the Gobierno de España or go to the nearest national police station. Click here to find the National Police Station in Marbella.